It's been a while since I've posted a blog entry. Don't think I haven't tried to write something. I've tried several times, each attempt thwarted by a lack of motivation. But now I'm writing this. I can't think of a topic to write on, or a theme, or whatever, so instead of coming up with one, I've decided to just let the thoughts flow.
1. School is becoming a steadily-increasing annoyance in my life. It's getting in the way of important things like my music, my art, and my internet.
2. Speaking of school, I have to apply to colleges, like, now. Every time I begin to research that stuff, I get overwhelmed. This is mainly because I'm not quite sure what I want to major in, and I have the idea ingrained into my being that I need to choose a school based on my major. What I need to do is just find schools that are generally good in all the junk I think I might want to do like audio-engineering, anthropology, psychology, bio-engineering, film, etc. Bleh, this is going to be fun.
3. I'm thoroughly enjoying my glasses. I can see now, and it's amazing. I don't know how I managed to get around before them.
4. I'm growing out my facial hair to see how it looks with my glasses. It looks fantastic.*
5. I need to blog about my trip to Cost Cutters. There were some very funny things happening in there, but they were all very subtle. I'll save it for a later date, but I'll say there was a homosexual, a homophobic, and a playa in there.
6. This is delicious.
7. Remember the good old days? Back when YouTube wasn't plagued by commercials? Those were nice. I mean, the commercials aren't even the ones you want to watch online (like this one or this). They're always lame car, political, or tampon commercials.
8. Speaking of politics, I wish that I had turned eighteen before the elections. I'd been digesting so much about all the issues that if I'd have thrown up, it would probably be one of those voters guides.
9. I'm not as excited for Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows as I thought I would be. However, I'm am still going to the midnight premier.
10. The world would be a better place without those bracelets that are different shapes.
11. I may just be saying that because whenever I have one, it promptly breaks.
12. CRAAAAAP. Just killed a freaking spider. That bastard almost killed me.
13. I really don't like it when I get a package in the mail, and it looks like it got attacked by some tape-wielding commando. I mean seriously, why does it need that much tape? Were the contents desperately trying to escape? Did the box look extra-expensive, so it needed extra protection? Maybe the workers just get bored.
14. Whenever I hear the question, "If your house was burning down and you only had time to save one thing, what would you save?" I can never come up with a straight answer. First I think, "Uh, duh. My guitar," but then I start thinking about all the other stuff I'd want to save, like the computer or some photos or my other guitar. That's when I begin to dismiss the question, starting with its absurdity. I mean, why would it take just as long to grab my guitar and run out of the house as it would for me to run downstairs, unplug the computer and monitor, find a way to balance the computer, monitor and speakers in my arms, and carry it all outside through the fire? That's crazy.
Then I wonder why I'd only be able to grab one thing. What if everything was right next to each other? I could probably grab like five things before I really had to leave. Why couldn't I just throw stuff out my window and save it like that? I could probably save most of my books and clothes that way.
So I keep everything I'd want to keep, were there a fire, in one spot.
15. I'm pretty sure I broke my toe. I jumped and landed on top of it somehow, and now it hurts. And toe pain is one of the symptoms of a broken toe. (I checked)
Also, I think I have viral gastroenteritis or giardiasis, and maybe cancer.
16. I wish that no one had ever invented the gummy vitamin. They are too delicious. They aren't practically gummy bears; they are gummy bears, only you can overdose on them and die. I can imagine what the people who made them were thinking.
"You know, kids never eat their vitamins because they're gross and chalky and shaped like Fred Flintstone, so let's make them sooooo damn good that they just can't get enough of them. Malnourished children are a much more serious problem than children dying from vitamin D overdoses caused by delicious, bear-shaped, delicious vitamins that are delicious."
...Or something along those lines.
17. Also, is it "gummy" or "gummi"?
18. I got hit on by the Red Cross blood drive workers today. They were all like, "Oh, you have O+ blood! That's sexy!" and, "You have so much iron in your sexy O+ blood!" and, "Your veins are so big! I mean, look at that! It's huge! It'll be so easy to take your sensual, iron-rich O+ blood."
*For girls, this reads, "I think this looks fantastic, but I need to be told that it actually makes me look like a hobo."