Sunday, September 12, 2010

My Blog

Hoooooly crap.

This blog is overwhelming. I made it, thinking, "Oh, this will be easy. All I have to do is write stuff." Then I look around, surveying my new website (I do love having a new website. It gives me a new place to procrastinate. It was getting too difficult to procrastinate on Facebook or YouTube.) when I realized what I had gotten myself into.

I mean, look at the size of this thing! Oh, wait. you can't. What you see is similar to what one sees when the look at the line for a ride at Six Flags. You see the entrance, all nice and neat; and the line looks so short! What I see is what one sees after they've been standing in the line for two hours and still have another two hours of the cycle of sitting on handrails, being told not to sit on the handrails, and then sitting on them again. I see the labyrinth behind the elaborate disguise of walls and foliage.

When I discovered I could make this blog look pretty, I had to! I don't want an ugly blog for my readers! It has to be perfect! So, I go to that design template thingy and attempt to give my blog a makeover. I searched through the vast forest of backgrounds, looking for something that my blog would also be: something random, yet insightful; something nonsensical, yet brilliant; something completely off the wall, and yet still every and any person could relate to it. I settled on this yellow-ish background with some out-of-focus lights on the side.

I looked painstakingly through the fonts, trying to find the perfect one: Courier, Georgia, Helvetica, Tebuchet! I settled on Arial.

Then there's this HTML crap. What the hell?! I'm supposed to learn a new language to have a successful blog? This is crap! I've already learned enough Spanish to survive un fin de semana en México! But never mind that. I'll just ignore it and hope it goes away.

The elephant in the room is that no one reads this blog, and in all likelihood, no one will read this blog. Seriously, I'm just a seventeen-year-old high-schooler in a world of hundreds of thousands of seventeen-year-old high-schoolers. There are no doubt many more interesting seventeen-year-olds there. Maybe even a few, more-interesting adults. But nothing beats teenage angst. Just ask Stephanie Meyer.

Anyway, I think the point of this blog was to beg forgiveness for my web design incompetence. Or maybe it was to introduce myself.

Hi. I'm Alex, and this is my blog.

1 comment:

  1. This whole blog made me laugh, you're not a bad writer Alex.
